Mrs. Mabeus - Room 207
School Phone: 402-896-0754
7th grade Religion
St. Stephen the Martyr School
Revelation, Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Church, Morality, Sacraments and The Kingdom of God. Saints, on their feast day, will be a part of our discussions as well. We will be studying the Holy Spirit and begin working towards our Confirmation which culminates in 8th grade.
The students will be using the Holy Bible in class as well as the Catechism and the YOUCAT (Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church).
We may also be using the Decision Point program by Matthew Kelly and we will use the Theology of the Body Ruah Woods Press.
Fr. Tucker will visit the class once a month.
General Guidelines for success:
Respect - self, others, property
Be an active participant
Follow school and classroom rules and procedures
Act appropriately and courteously at all times
Students are expected to participate by volunteering to read in class, answer questions, work with their peers in a Christian manner, and complete assignments on time.
Materials Needed for Class Every Day:
Religion textbook (Alive in Christ (Our Sunday Visitor Publishers) Copyright 2014)
Religion notebook (must be a 3 subject)
Black and red pen
Yellow highlighter
Assignments and Tests:
Tests will be given at the end of each chapter and unit. Tests are announced a minimum of 4 class days in advance. Tests/quizzes will be taken from the text, notes taken in class and any notes given by Fr. Tucker.
Students are responsible for taking notes, which are provided in class. These will be checked with extra credit given for notes that have been highlighted.
Test format is multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, short answer and essay. Students will get a study guide for each test. They must complete the study guide and corrections will be given so that they are prepared with the information they need in order to be successful.
The students can expect homework 3-4 times a week. Names and proper headings will be expected on all papers. Incomplete homework will not be accepted.
All homework is expected to be turned in the very next class unless a different date is given in class. If the student does not have the work to hand in on time during class, they will earn a tally mark on their behavior card. Five tally marks for missing homework equals one demerit.
Late Work/ Absent Students:
If a student is absent due to an illness, allowance is made to get work completed and turned in, one day per each day absent. The student is responsible for showing it to the teacher within the time frame. If they need more time, please visit with me and we can make accommodations. If a student has a planned absence then they should get their work before they leave and all work is due the day they return. This includes being prepared for any tests or quizzes. Work may be provided before trips with advanced notice of at least 3 days. There may be additional work assigned and two additional days will be provided to make up any of the work which was not provided before the absence.
I use a point system for all grades. Daily work will be worth 5 points and up. Tests are worth a variety of points depending on the makeup of the test.
Extra Credit:
Students are offered extra credit every chapter. Notes are worth 5 points. Highlighted notes are 1 pt extra credit.
There may be extra credit questions offered periodically on tests throughout the year. These questions will often times come from a reading at Mass or something that the presiding priest shares with the students during the Mass, or during a classroom visit. Extra credit will be offered as a whole class opportunity only. Students should not count on extra credit to bring their grade up.
Special Projects:
Saint Puppet/figurine – By the end of 7th grade the students should have a very good idea of whom they would like to choose as their Confirmation Saint. They will begin researching Saints to better prepare them as they make their selection. and resources in the classroom and RE office will be helpful tools as the pre-Confirmation students begin discerning who they would like to choose.
Please use FACTS as a way to keep up on how your child is doing academically. Assignments are not posted online. It is important for middle school students to learn responsibility, and one of the ways that they will do this in middle school is being responsible for recording assignments in their assignment notebook. You can expect grades to be posted within the week of the assignment/test if it is turned in on time. Please keep in mind that there may be times where not many changes will be made to the grades due to longer projects, shortened weeks, etc. Please do not expect grades to be updated daily.
Remember: Be organized! Stay on task! Be Positive! Ask me for help! I want to help you succeed! Organization is critical to your success!
Please contact me at my email address at any time with your questions/concerns.
Mrs. Mabeus